1 On 1 Mentoring with Kirk Johnson
Life, Health, CareerStart Shaping Your New Life Today
Find Success With Personalized Spiritual Mentoring
Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?
Are you beginning to realize that something is wrong or missing in your life. Ever get the feeling you’ve done all of this before. Your soul is desperate to break free from the ego-based prison it is trapped in. Let it out!
Spiritual Mentoring is the tool that can guide you back into balance, help you distinguish which inner voice to follow. It’s like that old parable about having two wolves inside of you – a benevolent one and a malevolent one. Which one wins? The one you feed! Learn how to feed the right one.
What Is Spiritual Mentoring?
Like life or career coaching with a bonus!
Learn the techniques to super-power your life while recognizing the deeper tethers that are holding you back. We have been taught to see the world through conformity-colored glasses. Time to remove those old shades and see the true you.
See the connections between us all.
We sometimes feel like we are not connected to the rest of the world–aliens on our own planet. Learn to see the threads that connect you with mankind, the planet, and the cosmos.
You have more power than you know.
It is merely a lack of understanding of our true nature the makes us feel powerless. Once we begin to recognize that we are part of the ocean of infinitude, we can harness the power of that ocean and not just the passing wave we think we are.
Attune your human will with Divine will.
When we see ourselves as separate from Spirit, we can only muster a fraction of our innate willpower. Once we reconnect ourselves with the Creator of all things and attune ourselves wtih Divine will, we see that we have the power to move mountains.
How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?
Still undecided? Still wondering if it’s worth making the effort to banish the old patterns and begin discovering the new you? Ask yourself: What is the rest of your life worth? A change made today can affect the rest of your life, positively. Imagine living the life you’ve dreamed about.
Now, imagine if you don’t change. Where will you be ten years from now?
Do your thoughts sound like this?
I'm just going through a tough patch. It will get better soon.
You may be right, but how long have you been telling yourself that? Are you stuck on the treamill of life while friends and family are moving forward? Are you getting any closer to your dreams?
I'm learning about spirituality on the net and YouTube videos. Isn't that enough?
We are all individuals and as such, have different needs and desires AND our troubles are rooted in different areas. There is no ONE SIZE FITS ALL in the mentoring realm. You need a tailored approach.
I was born to be a victim. I feel like I'm just a sacrifice.
When we get into the habit of allowing others to lord over us or treat us poorly, we may also begin to think this is how it’s supposed to be. IT IS NOT! We have given our power away. Time to take it back!
Whenever I try, I fail. Why keep trying?
It is our inner nature to keep trying. It is also through failure that we learn our biggest lessons. Failure builds resilience. Imagine if everthing a person did was perfect, and then one day it wasn’t. That person would be crushed because they’re unaccustomed to failure. Conversely, the person who has failed, gets right up and tries again. Practice resilience!
I've got no time for meditation and spiritual stuff. I'm too busy!
In my new book, Roasting Karma, I tell the tale of my life before and after opening to spirituality. Spirituality is needed to balance out the triangle of life with physical and mental attributes on the other two sides. The lack of spirituality devastated my life and, in time, will wreak havoc on your life too!
My Approach
In my practice, Spiritual Mentoring (SM) considers the whole body as a unit–holistically. There is a perception that mentoring, like coaching, is mostly talk. Not for me, it isn’t. Given my experience with:
- chi and meridians through acupressure;
- energy and distance work with reiki;
- nutrition and symptom management via Holistic Body Analysis;
- meditation teaching and practice through Kriya yoga;
- counselling and spiritual guidance through my metaphysical ministry;
my SM practice utilizes all of the above modalities synergistically. I’ve developed a multitier approach: first solving problems on the material level using diet, herbs, and supplements; then if problems persist, I use energetic and vibrational means; and if the problems still persist, I can work using more spiritual or esoteric therapies. I’m known as the practitioner who doesn’t let anyone escape from doing their personal work. I work very closely with my clients to help them go deep to resolve the roots of their dis-ease.
How It Works
Schedule a Free 1:1
I get it. You know you need a lttle help but before you make the investment, you want to know if we’ll be a good fit working together. Simple. Just schedule an appointment with me and we’ll have a 30-minute chat about what you need and how I can help you–at no cost to you. That’s my investment in YOU!
Choose a Coaching Plan
Through our initial 1:1 introduction call, we’ll determine what issues you need to work through, what your goals are, and how long it will take to empower you to reach them. We will not only make sure you are mentally ready, but physically and spiritually too!
Reach Your Goals
Armed with a new outlook on life and a toolbox of self-motivational and inspirational techniques to employ, you’ll soon be reaching for the pinnacle of your expectations and dreams. Some people want to rise to the top, while others want a simple life of peace. Both can be achieved.
Single Mentoring Visit
Choose a single mentoring visit (1hr) when you have a single issue to examine or need a follow-up appointment from previous mentoring sessions.
Prices in CAD
More Details
Due to Covid-19, all appointments are now virtual, using a Zoom video meeting. The software is free to download or you can login at zoom.us. Once your appointment is booked and paid, you will receive notification of the scheduled session, followed by instructions to access the Zoom call.
Use the “Book Now” button above to secure your appointment. See you soon.
4-Week Mentoring Package
Choose a 4-week mentoring package (1hr sessions) when you have multiple issues to examine or are examining deeply rooted issues. If you are uncertain of your present needs, schedule a FREE 1-1 to determine which package would be best for you!
Prices in CAD
More Details
Due to Covid-19, all appointments are now virtual, using a Zoom video meeting. The software is free to download or you can login at zoom.us. Once your appointment is booked and paid, you will receive notification of the scheduled session, followed by instructions to access the Zoom call.
Please note that although you are buying a package of sessions, You will only book your first session with your payment. The balance of sessions will be booked at your appoinnemtnet.
Use the “Book Now” button above to secure your first appointment. See you soon.
8-Week Coaching Package
Choose an 8-week mentoring package (1hr sessions) when you have multiple issues to examine or are examining deeply rooted issues. If you are uncertain of your present needs, schedule a FREE 1-1 to determine which package would be best for you!
Prices in CAD
More Details
Due to Covid-19, all appointments are now virtual, using a Zoom video meeting. The software is free to download or you can login at zoom.us. Once your appointment is booked and paid, you will receive notification of the scheduled session, followed by instructions to access the Zoom call.
Please note that although you are buying a package of sessions, You will only book your first session with your payment. The balance of sessions will be booked at your appoinnemtnet.
Use the “Book Now” button above to secure your first appointment. See you soon.
Ongoing Mentoring
For ongoing mentoring services, please enquire.